Saturday, October 30, 2010

{ a photo i took in an old cemetery 40 miles away}

He fulfills his needs at the expense of me

Trying to train his tired, old body. Lying to his mind that everything is alright

He feeds his next fascination, feeds his ego. His body on the ground

He can't see that the reason he abandons everyone, is because he was abandoned. And, he never understood why. Pushes down that memory, saying, he does not know why, he is, like he is....He cries

So he does it over and over again. Abandoning lovers, abandoning friends.

He wants them to pay for his own abandonment. Wants them to feel the pain he felt as a child

They are all passing phases in a long line of chains...Linked by: lust, love, greed, fame, the need for things, traveling, self- loathing. He turns

He recreates the drama that shaped his life. Forever holding the final blow that forces those who love him to implode. To self- destruct, ..Because they cannot understand, love given, then withdrawn.

He smiles, his eyes warm, crinkly

Another victim, another sin

When will it end?

Rue @2010


Tuneaholic said...

I like your writing
you have lots of inner angnst
and an ability to connect
no body knows any thing about anybody
on this medium (at least I don't)
but it's very direct
it's the wave of the future
you are riding that wave
try and keep your head above water.
I'm the tuneaholic ... painter ... 8-5 plantbreeder for a living, lots of science training, etc.
we'll stay in touch ( I hope)

Heart of the Mermaid said...

of course we will stay in are my friend. just going through so much...i am trying to stay positive..

if anything, i am direct, frank. i hope i will find a way with my writing...not just for money, but because i love doing it so damn much.

thanks for your words, really
love rue